Loading and unloading systems for strips ROBP61i

"ROBOT P 61 I"

Robot P 61 I automatic unloader is a patented machine specifically designed for the automation of marble and granite processing lines. This machine, fully automatic, picks up sawn workpieces with its forks directly from a roller table and rests them on a motorized pallet. The machine can unload the material lying it on two vertical layers. The machine is particularly suitable for unloading strips coming out from a horizontal splitting machine thanks to its ability to unload strips which are laid one upon the other. Machine start up and stop movements are gradual and smooth, generating linear movements without jolting or vibrating the machine and, consequently, the material being transported. Both carriage translation speed and up-down speed have been increased compared to the standard model "Robot P 61" in order to allow the unloading of fast lines.

Technical details


Total power    kW    3
Roller table motor power    kW    0,3
Air consumption 8 atm    lt/m    50
Standard tension    V/Hz    380/50
Min. workpiece width    mm    200
Max. workpiece width    mm    450
Max. workpiece weight    kg    70

made with ♥ by KALEIDOSCOPE